This section contains project documents and deliverables.
Framework for the Future Update
February 25, 2020
Update on University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Campus Framework for the Future.
April 04, 2019
There are eight Planning Objectives for the Mānoa campus, and serve as a subset to the Framework for the Future Guiding Principles in regards to planning.
Student Campus Experience Survey 2019
January 02, 2019
A 5 question survey conducted by the Mānoa Institutional Research Office (MIRO) asked students about their experiences at the University of Hawaii Mānoa in the Fall Semester of 2017. MKThink analyzed the responses to identify key themes related to the Mānoa Framework for the Future.
December 13, 2018
In this quantitative analysis, space types are evaluated in terms of key performance indicators related to the core mission of the university and the guiding principles of the Mānoa Framework for the Future.
Framework for the Future Update
October 30, 2018
Updates on the process overview, key inputs, guiding principles, and planning objectives for the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa Framework for the Future.
October 17, 2018
This explores current conditions at the UH Mānoa site, by the numbers. In looking at space use on campus, we can better understand how the campus is organized, and how it might be improved in the future. This assessment is non-exhaustive and serves as a basis from which to explore the future of the UH Mānoa campus.
September 27, 2018
Looking to the future, centers of higher learning are affected by outside influences. In order to understand how best to adapt those external factors, we look to understand how some of those factors are changing.
April 26, 2018
An overview on how the Warrior Recreation Center and the Life Sciences Building fulfill the Guiding Principles for the Mānoa campus framework for the future.
February 22, 2018
This document contains updates on the planning process, prepared for and presented to the Planning and Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees on February 7, 2018.
January 22, 2018
This document contains findings from a 21 question faculty survey that was sent to faculty on May 1st, 2017.
Integrated Integrated Academic and Facilities Plan (IAFP)
April 20, 2017
This document describes the strategic vision used to align and leverage the unique mission, capabilities and resources of each University of Hawai‘i campus.